BRSA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy

“Organization” refers to: ____Battle River Soccer Association_________________________


1. Terms in this Policy are defined as follows:

  • a) Diversity - the presence and integration of a variety of individuals with different personal characteristics, particularly Under-Represented Groups, in a group or organization
  • b) Equity - fairness afforded to individuals with diverse personal characteristics regardless of those characteristics
  • c) Inclusion - acceptance of individuals with diverse personal characteristics into a group or organization regardless of those characteristics
  • d) Under-Represented Groups - Under-Represented Groups include women, individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of colour (BIPOC), children in low income families, seniors, people with disabilities, newcomers to Canada, and members of the LGBTQ community Purpose

2. BRSA is committed to encouraging diversity, equity and inclusion in its administration, policies, programs, and activities. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that the Organization provides Under-Represented Groups with a full and equitable range of opportunities to participate and lead. General

3. BRSA will:

  • a) Provide this Policy to staff and Directors and provide education on the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion and what this entails in terms of practices, policies, procedures and norms of behavior
  • b) Provide registration forms and other documents that allow: i. the individual to indicate their gender identity and expression, rather than their sex or gender; ii. the individual to abstain from indicating a gender identity with no consequence to the individual; iii. the individual to indicate their pronoun(s); and iv. the individual to indicate their preferred name
  • c) Maintain organizational documents and the Organization’s website in a manner that promotes inclusive language and images
  • d) Refer to individuals by their preferred name and their pronoun(s)
  • e) Work with Under-Represented Groups on the implementation, monitoring and/or modification of this Policy
  • f) When the Organization has the authority to determine participants’ use of washrooms, change rooms, and other facilities, the Organization will permit individuals to use the facilities of their gender identity
  • g) Ensure uniforms and dress codes that respect an individual’s gender identity and gender expression BRSA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy, July 2023
  • h) Support inclusion, equity, and access for Under-Represented Groups i) Exercise influence with external agencies to encourage equity Programming

4. BRSA is committed to creating and supporting programs that address diversity, equity, and inclusion issues in sport. For example, the Organization will:

  • a) Ensure that the achievement of equitable opportunities is a key consideration when developing, updating, or delivering the Organization’s programs and policies
  • b) Ensure that individuals from Under-Represented Groups have no barriers to participation in the Organization’s programs, training, and coaching opportunities
  • c) Create and support new programming that specifically addresses diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • d) Monitor and evaluate the success of its diversity, equity, and inclusion programming
  • e) Fund programs and services equally
  • f) Encourage Under-Represented Groups to act as role models for young participants
  • g) Create special opportunities to advance the number and levels of women in coaching
  • h) When planning educational sessions, consider a balance of presenters from all gender identities Staff, Board of Directors, Committee

5. BRSA will:

  • a) Strive to achieve gender balance in the appointment of all committees, task forces and other decision-making or decision-influencing bodies, and in seeking nominations for and appointments to the Board
  • b) Include gender equity as a stated value that is accepted and promoted on nominating and selection committees
  • c) Ensure equal opportunities exist for all staff to receive professional development to move towards senior levels of decision-making
  • d) Develop, update and deliver all policies, programs and services ensuring the concerns and needs of Under-Represented Groups are identified, promoted and supported
  • e) Deal with any incidence of discriminatory behavior according to the Code of Conduct and Ethics and Discipline and Complaints Policy Media Relations

6. The BRSA will:

  • a) Strive to ensure that Under-Represented Groups are portrayed equitably in promotional materials and official publications, and that gender-neutral language is used in all communications
  • b) Produce all written and visual materials in a gender-inclusive manner
  • c) Develop a communication plan that strives to give media visibility to Under-Represented Groups
  • d) Use gender-appropriate or gender-neutral language and positive, active visuals in all publications, graphics, videos, posters and on websites Human Resource Management BRSA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy, July 2023

7. As part of its commitment to the use of equitable human resource management practices, BRSA will:

  • a) Adopt, when possible, work practices such as flex-time, job-sharing and home-based offices
  • b) Provide a physically accessible workplace environment
  • c) Ensure a non-smoking environment
  • d) Use non-discriminatory interview techniques
  • e) Provide opportunities for all staff to advance to senior decision-making levels and receive equitable remuneration
  • f) Publicly declare the Organization to be an equal opportunity employer and respect and implement the principle of pay equity in relation to salaried and contract employees
  • g) When appropriate, make available access to Employee Assistance counselling Ongoing Commitment to Inclusion, Diversity and Equity

8. BRSA resolves to continue to incorporate inclusion, diversity, and equity matters in its strategies, plans, actions, and operations; including technical programs, business management, sponsorship, marketing, media and communications. Evaluation

9. BRSA will continually monitor and evaluate its inclusion, equity, and diversity progress

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